Aug 2017
-Professionalism. Anastasia is a great pro. If you hire the services of this saxophonist, her way of working will probably surprise you. She takes care of every detail and tries hard to know what is expected from her so that she is able to give them what they wants and never disappoint. She is not scared by challenges, on the contrary, they motivate her. Therefore, hard work is not a
Aug 2017
Anastasia McQueen is quite active in social networks, but far from acting like other artists who tell things about her personal life, she limits her posts to her professional life. She is close with her fans and she responds to the comments they make, but she is also very careful about guarding her private life, something that her nearest and dearest respect a lot. She wants to be appreciated for
We have spoken on occasion about the importance of training in a musician and that this training is continuous so that you always advance as a professional. But to give a good show also it is fundamental to take care of the body. When you have to get on a stage and play and dance at a time you have to be in very good shape, otherwise it is impossible
Many believe that a good saxophonist like Anastasia McQueen, once she finishes her studies, only has to worry about interpreting music. But the truth is that music is a profession in which continuing education is really essential. True musicians never finish studying and anyone who has walked even a few steps in that field will tell you the same thing. Even after graduating from high school and having completed a
Are you one of the lucky ones that will see Anastasia McQueen live on any of her parties this year? If so, we propose a challenge that we are sure you will not be able to overcome. We are even sure that you will not want to try to meet this challenge once you see her for yourself: we challenge you not to move your feet to the rhythm of
Aug 2017
If you are trying to organise original events in your local area, Anastasia McQueen can help. This saxophonist organises the most fun and varied shows combining sax, music and dance, and she is always ready to new innovations and suggestions. As proof that Anastasia is an expert in original events you only have to see her shows with Flyboard in which she has great experts in performing all kinds of