Jun 2017
Anastasia McQueen continues to play alongside Sebastian Gamboa with great success. The dates available in Ibiza must be added to those that will take place in Barcelona, where they have been extremely popular with the public, up to June 1st. Already we have anticipated that summer has arrived, with loads of surprises from our favourite woman saxophonist, and it will certainly not be boring. Do you have time to enjoy
May 2017
As we have mentioned, Anastasia McQueen collaborates regularly with Gamboa’s Vintage; their performances continue to enjoy a huge amount of success, both critically and publicly. There are many people who come to enjoy this party, which is already considered to be an Ibiza classic. They are attracted by its popularity, by Gamboa himself and, also, because they have heard of and are waiting to see Anastasia. So, it is our
May 2017
The sound of the sax is especially sensual and this is the reason why it has been used for some of the most remembered love ballads in the history of music, such as George Michael’s unforgettable “Careless Whisper.” With regards to this song, the sax becomes a second voice which accompanies the young singer, who had already received great fame as a part of Wham! This is just one example
May 2017
There are many ways to enjoy the summer in Ibiza; the diversity of this wonderful island offers many unique experiences: Beach and sea. This is one of the favourite options for many people who come to the island. Good weather is guaranteed and there are many companies that offer different ways to enjoy the sea. Anastasia McQueen is a lover of water sports and she tries to take a break
May 2017
Anastasia McQueen loves to enjoy Ibiza by day. She told us this a little while ago on Facebook, where she mentioned that she already feels summer coming to the island. She is a great lover of water sports and she knows that there are many things to do in Ibiza by day. The beautiful beaches of Ibiza are perfect for relaxing on, sunbathing and also for sleeping during a long
Dancers bring sensuality to Anastasia McQueen’s show. Some of Anastasia McQueen’s shows include performances from dancers. These women, well prepared and chosen from the very best, contribute a great deal to the shows. To start off with, they bring sensuality. This is something very important in Anastasia’s shows, and when we speak of sensuality we mean the stimulation of the senses, something which this saxophonist does very well. She is