Aug 2017
Gathering momentum for the end of summer
It is already mid-August, time flies and once August is over, it seems that the end of summer is coming, although officially it is not over until well into September. In September we all get ready to go back to the same old working routine but for some the hard work of the whole year takes place during the summer months in which most people have fun.
In Ibiza, summer is high season. Many people come to have fun and enjoy July, August and also the end of summer. But there are also many who work hours and hours very hard so that the dreamed vacations of so many do not end up turning into a nightmare.
The staff of hotels, hotels and holiday halls in particular is boosted during this season and many people live throughout the year on what they can earn during the little more than three months of the peak season in Ibiza .
Others, do not live exclusively on what they can earn in the summer, but it is true that in summer the pace is even faster. And that is what has happened to Anastasia McQueen: this year she has not stopped working and moving.
Anastasia and the end of summer
For Anastasia the end of the summer does not mean that she will stop working, although it is true that the pace can slightly lessen. She has not stopped, but still from time to time gives herself a breather to gather strength. Sunbathing, enjoying the sea and breathing in a little fresh air are the priorities of this beautiful woman who also takes the opportunity to be with her partner and her friends.
Now it’s time to get a boost for the final stretch, for the end of summer 2017 in which we have lived incredibly intense things and in which Anastasia has established herself as a one of the best and most in demand saxophonists.
Every step along the way is a breakthrough for Anastasia, so, now that the end of summer is a little closer, she sits down, takes a breath and relaxes for a few minutes to continue this adventure that she lives intensely, with passion and with gratitude because for her, playing in the Ibiza festivals is to see one of her dreams come true.