The end of this year has been very special for Anastasia McQueen as it has been filled with projects, some of which we can tell you about in this blog, and which are sure to surprise you.

To say goodbye to 2016, Anastasia played at the L’Oreal Spain Christmas party, an important event to which she put her own personal touch thanks to her musical performance. L ‘Oréal is one of the leading cosmetics companies in our country, so it is easy to see why such a market leading organisation tries to arrange performances that are certain to attract attention and surprise their guests.


The Year End In Andorra

All of the clubs in Ibiza held major parties to celebrate the end of 2016, but this year, Anastasia missed them all. Not because she was lazy, but because this time she had to work somewhere else on the peninsula. For the year end, Anastasia swapped the stage of the Hermitage hotel in Ibiza where she often works for one of Andorra’s best resorts – one of the best places to celebrate an unforgettable New Year’s Eve. Anastasia’s original style fit perfectly with this magical night where everyone wanted to dream, enjoy something different and indulge their imagination with music, good company and a glass of cava. This performance saw Anastasia return to Andorra after her previous performance at the Andorra Shopping Night in 2016 where she had the opportunity to perform in the streets in front of an audience who enjoyed different events over several days during which local goods were being sold.


Soon We Can Find Out More About New Projects

This performance wasn’t the only thing our saxophonist has been doing during December. Anastasia saw the year out in a big way, but before these performances, she had the chance to travel to the United States to carry out a very exciting project that we will soon be able to tell you about. For now, we can only say that it is a very important project that could be a turning point in this hardworking musician’s career.